Michael Wilder Megan Baab Race Report

Michael Wilder off the front in the 3/4s race.

Tis a new year. Time to crank out the watts and do something with it. I was having a discussion with Collin before the race and we both agreed that we where going to put our joking attitudes aside at races this year and race our bikes, like we both know we can.

The race was a lollypop shaped course with 9 miles out and a big lap around 30 miles. We had a solid plan of Shawn and Ryan trading the early moves if one went and the rest of us would save it for “the time”. Nothing really went right away, but at about 5-7 miles into the race Collin and I had to follow some moves with big hitters in them which would form off the front and be quickly brought back. At that point I had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

Right before the left turn into the cross wind Collin and I looked at each other and agreed that it’s about to hit the fan at just 9 miles in. While making the turn Collin, Cory and I were in the top 10-15. It turned out to be a little too far back. The hitters where hitting at the front, not going too hard but going hard enough to make the slight uphill cross wind a little tough pushing a 53/15. The gap formed by someone letting go of a wheel. The gap was maybe 3-5 seconds when Collin hit it hard with 2 guys on his wheels to get across. He couldn’t close it and the other 2 wouldn’t/couldn’t pull through. So after just 12 miles top 5 was gone. I didn’t know this at the time but when Collin jumped I started to drift back where there was no collective peloton it was shattered with little groups all over the road. I think it was a shock to the peloton with the display of power being put out at the front.

Collin got into a group to fight out a top ten, but flatted and went back to the main peloton, Cory crashed and then had to fix his cleat and I flatted. Collin and Shawn finished in the main group sprint. Cory, Ryan and I cranked out some watts for training while everyone was happy to sit on.


It really wasn’t the race we wanted it to be. But, we were happy that the fitness is there, the team is meshing well and there’s a whole season ahead of us.

Next race we won’t make the same mistake. We have the legs and heart to win.

